The Resistance: Avalon The Resistance is one of the purest social deduction games there is. Two teams, one trying to succeed and one trying to sabotage. There are more ‘good’ guys, but they don’t know who each other is. Over the course of up to five missions players try to figure out who is trust worthy and who isn’t. In Avalon the resistance takes on an Arthurian theme and leans into it. Not only are you part of a team but you’ll also take up a character with their own unique power to mess with the status quo. Powers that might be too strong are tempered by restrictions so while Merlin might know who the traitors are they cannot reveal that they are Merlin, leading to bluffs, double bluffs and even fabled QUADRUPLE BLUFFS! Each player is dealt their role which they keep hidden and then the team leader chooses a number of players (dependant on the player count and round) to go on a mission. Each player on the mission will be given a success and fail card. If you are on the side of good you must choose the success card but if you are evil then you can choose either. Your choice is handed back to the team leader who shuffles them before revealing them. Then follows a discussion about what is revealed. Of course if there is a fail you know at least one of the people who went on the mission is evil… This leads to multiple accusations and declarations of innocence, the outcome which dictate the mission choices for future rounds. The addition of player powers make for added complexity/variety, giving you a social deduction game that will last awhile!
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