
Doom Edition Gamemasters Screen

Original price was: €20,95.Current price is: €8,38.

SKU: 752830892781 Category: Tag:



This system-neutral screen is perfect for keepingthe lore of the Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos at agamemaster’s fingertips.This Doom Edition Gamemaster Screen a foldoutfull-color RPG screen featuring the “Plight ofthe Traveler” art by David LaRocca on the frontand Cthulhu Mythos lore about the Earth and thematerial plane on the reverse. Use it with anyCthulhu-themed roleplaying game.This screen includes information on: Arkham,Carcosa, Innsmouth, Miskatonic University,R’lyeh, Deep Ones, Elder Things, Cthulhu,Nyarlathotep, the Yellow King, the Elder Sign,and more!

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BARCODE: 752830892781


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